Stash the package in the Factory break room (2nd floor near Gate 3).Obtain the secure folder in the Tarcone Director's office at the Customs terminal warehouse.Unlocks purchase of Lebedev PL-15 9x19 pistol at Prapor LL1.

1× EYE MK.2 professional hand-held compass.Unlocks purchase of Kalashnikov AKS-74UB 5.45x39 assault rifle at Prapor LL1.Obtain and hand over 2 MP-133 12ga shotguns.

Eliminate 5 Scavs all over the Tarkov territory.While quest items are required to be found in raid as there is no other way to obtain them, the player does not have to avoid the Run Through status.To prevent losing quest items, it is strongly recommended to turn them in before starting another raid or transferring them to the quest item special stash in the "Quest items" tab of the "Tasks" tab if you do not want to continue the quest in the next raid (e.g. If the player fails to extract with a quest item, they will lose it. When picked up, quest items are transferred to the player's quest item inventory.Quest items are guaranteed to spawn client-side, so each player in a raid with the same quest active can pick it up.These items fall in the quest items category and cannot be used, sold or discarded. Some items only spawn if the respective quest is active.